JusticeWorks proudly announces that the Department of Services for Children, Youth, and Families (DSCYF) in Delaware has awarded us a significant contract. This contract underscores our commitment to serving the most vulnerable members of our communities.

Our proposal for Family Support Services reflects our dedication to evidence-based practices and innovative approaches to meeting the needs of families in crisis. Our program’s core is the renowned JustCare® model, recognized nationally for its effectiveness in empowering families and fostering positive outcomes.

In addition to JustCare®, our program incorporates the evidence-based practice Triple P, known for equipping caregivers with the skills and resources necessary to navigate parenting challenges. We are also proud to integrate the Dr. Marty Beyer model for Visit Coaching, a proven method for enhancing family relationships and facilitating meaningful connections through innovative approaches to supervised visitation.

One of the distinguishing features of our contract is our commitment to addressing the pressing issue of human trafficking within the state of Delaware. JusticeWorks will provide specialized services tailored to youth who have been or are at imminent risk of human trafficking. Central to this initiative is the implementation of Dr. Stephanie Covington’s Voices curriculum, designed to empower survivors and prevent future exploitation.

We are poised to commence services in May 2024, and we look forward to partnering with the state of Delaware to make a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve. Our team is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and compassion as we embark on this endeavor.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to providing comprehensive and compassionate support to families in need. Together with our DSCYF partners, we are confident that we can create positive change and promote well-being in the communities.

For more information about JusticeWorks and our services, please visit our website (www.justiceworksyouthcare.com). We are honored to have the opportunity to serve the state of Delaware and look forward to making a meaningful impact in the lives of families across the state!