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STOPP® is a high impact, short-term program designed to meet challenging situations in a child’s home that put the child at risk for out-of-home placement.
STOPP® was initially envisioned in 2004 by Pennsylvania’s Lehigh County Office of Children & Youth Services and JusticeWorks was chosen to implement it through a Request For Proposal process.
By using a proactive approach, STOPP® works with families to address the issues that need to be resolved in order to keep the child safe in the home setting and the family well-functioning. We work to maintain children in their homes by addressing the concerns which led to the child welfare referral.
Now being utilized in dozens of locations, STOPP® has proven to be extremely effective. Outcome studies have demonstrated that STOPP® routinely prevents out-of-home placements in more than 90% of cases, despite the most challenging conditions.
Getting Started width STOPP®
Once a referral is made to a STOPP® program
- Staff are in the home within 3 hours and maintain a high level of response to any of the family’s emergency situations throughout services, which are usually 60 days in duration.
- Within 72 hours after the initial contact, staff conduct a thorough family assessment and establish treatment goals that guide the services. The treatment goals outline target areas and expectations for all family members and are monitored throughout care.
Meeting the Need
- Staff typically have daily contact with families and spend 6 or more hours a week in direct contact with them to build needed skills and help them to identify and access community supports.
- If children are in out-of-home placement, staff work to maintain contact amongst all family members and assist with the child’s return to the family when deemed appropriate. Techniques that are proven to be effective are utilized to engage the family in services and address family issues.
- In all circumstances STOPP® addresses life domain issues by using a broad array of professional and other community resources including extended family members, churches and friends to form a network of powerful supports.
Let's Discuss how we can help
Interested in learning more about how Justice Works can help? Contact us today to inquire about the evaluation services available to your agency. We're here to help you show how your programs make a difference.