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Behavioral Health Care
Comprehensive community-based behavioral health care services for children, youth, and their families who are experiencing mental health issues AND DISORDERS.
JusticeWorks strives to provide the most effective treatments and services that a family needs right in their own homes and communities. Services are geared to restoring a child and family to healthy functioning so that they can fulfill major life functions.
JusticeWorks BehavioralCare is an approved provider of Rehabilitative Behavioral Health Services (RBHS).
RBHS are specialized services delivered by a team of professionals working together to provide a continuum of care. The services can be delivered in the young person’s home, school, or in a clinic setting and are based upon the results of a comprehensive diagnostic assessment that identifies a person’s current problems and needs in the areas of emotional, behavioral, and functional development.
Service Plan Development
Diagnostic Assessment
Rehabilitative Psychosocial Services
Crisis Management
Individual Therapy
Family Therapy
Behavior Modification
Family Support
Medication Management
We can connect you and your family with a licensed psychiatrist that will evaluate medication needs, prescribe medication, and monitor progress.
CALOCUS Assessment
A certified administrator will meet with the child and family face-to-face to explore the needs and supports and identity a level of placement and support needed for the child.
Trauma Screening
All clients automatically receive trauma screenings at the time of initial assessment. This information is then used to help drive treatment plans and goals.
Nurturing Parenting
A family-centered trauma and research-informed program designed to build nurturing parenting skills.
Family/Parenting Assessment
Conducted by a licensed clinician this assessment has a focus on identifying parental strengths and areas of risk or concern. This assessment gathers information about the family system, such as strengths and areas of need regarding the family. It assesses for previous trauma and impacts, and determine appropriate treatment recommendations. The treatment recommendations have an emphasis on identifying services needed for the caregiver to gain the ability to provide a save, healthy environment for the children.
Let's Discuss how we can help
Interested in learning more about how Justice Works can help? Contact us today to inquire about the evaluation services available to your agency. We're here to help you show how your programs make a difference.
Justice Works Report Cards
The youth, families, and referring agencies have reported high levels of satisfaction with our services. We are proud to boast satisfaction ratings of over 90% for the quality of the services provided, excellence in our collaborative communication with others, and ability to meet family goals.