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Our program creates the opportunity to have positive community members, provide mentoring to improve quality of life and further develop existing knowledge and opportunities to try new things. Our program is mutually beneficial for mentors and mentees.
The JusticeWorks Mentoring Program is a community-based program for youth aged 14-21 with child welfare involvement. Mentors for the program will be volunteers matched with youth according to youth needs, career interests, hobbies, etc. The JusticeWorks Mentoring program will be an “empowerment” program using a blend of traditional mentoring and team mentoring for events and milestone celebrations.
Mentors serve as consultants, counselors, and cheerleaders. In addition to the commitment of time and patience, good mentees agree to on-going training and support from our program staff.
JusticeWorks intensely considers the diverse needs of youth of color, and we vigorously promote a recruitment campaign to add a diverse pool of mentors for the program. In the absence of diverse volunteer mentors cross-race mentoring can facilitate a cross-cultural understanding among both mentors and mentees.
Let's Discuss how we can help
Interested in learning more about how Justice Works can help? Contact us today to inquire about the evaluation services available to your agency. We're here to help you show how your programs make a difference.
Justice Works Report Cards
The youth, families, and referring agencies have reported high levels of satisfaction with our services. We are proud to boast satisfaction ratings of over 90% for the quality of the services provided, excellence in our collaborative communication with others, and ability to meet family goals.