Good afternoon, Everyone

There is a wonderful repetitive resonance with the phrase ‘Happy Thanksgiving’!

Psychological research has shown that gratitude is one of the key ingredients of happiness.  The ability to count your blessings, even amidst challenge or adversity, is critical to a sense of fullness, meaning, self-esteem – yes, happiness.

I hope that each of you experiences the power of being thankful, and thoroughly enjoys your Thanksgiving holiday.

I am profoundly thankful for this wonderful and impactful company we have built together (and, get to rebuild every day!).  I appreciate your commitment and hard work, every day.

High on my list of blessings this year is that my daughter is going to deliver my second granddaughter in the next couple of weeks!  We’re all excited and can’t wait to meet her… no one more than Saylor, my 4 ½ year old granddaughter.  She says hi to her little sister every day.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and please be safe.
