FRS began working with client at a stage where client was really struggling with everything on her plate. Client was struggling with behavior in school, not attending school, was slacking with grades, was using drugs, was disrespecting mother, and was involved in an abusive and drug filled relationship that she could not get out of.

Client attended school where FRS previously worked, so FRS knew client’s potential when it came to in the classroom. Client attended the alternative education school, River Rock, for quite some time and was becoming defiant when it came to doing work, which not only hurt her grades, but brought on behavior altercations as well with the staff.

FRS would visit school and sit down with client and watch her finish all work sheets or classroom assisgnments. FRS did this until client got to point where she was back on track with school and client would complete work without FRS being there. This completely nipped all behavior issues in the bud, and also allowed client’s grades to bounce back quickly before total grades were affected. Client began to attend school at all times also because client never knew when FRS was going to stop in and check in. FRS checked in 2-3 times a week for a while, and this made client understand that she needs to attend every day. On days when client would skip school, mother or school would call FRS and FRS would pickup client and bring client to school.

Client’s grades got to a point where FRS and client began to apply for colleges. Client had all applications and essay letters finished with the assistance of FRS. FRS and client would sit down for hours in school to get these done. At this time client had minimal credits left and grades were superb so client could direct attention to college and job hunting.

FRS also assisted client with job applications. Client applied to numerous places of employment all over York. Client eventually got a job with Frank’s Movie Theatre.

Client has things all going swell when client hit a big bump in the road. Client was not really allowed to be with her ex-boyfriend, as boyfriend had abusive history, disrespect issues with client’s mother, and was on probation for drug usage as well.

One night client and ex had an altercation, prompting boyfriend to put a pillow on client’s face and attempt to suffocate client, then elbowing pillow on top of client’s face. Ex then headbutted client above eye and punched client twice in back of head.

This happened late one evening, and FRS received call early next morning about incident. FRS picked up client at school and took client to hospital for over 7 hours of testing. FRS spent every second with client. After this, FRS transported client to her safe haven. FRS spent over 8 hours with client that day helping client cope and manage her feelings and frustrations with situation. Client later filed for a PFA against ex, a process in which FRS was again beside client every step of the way.

Client seemed to be doing very well again. Client was scheduled for the SAT’s, and was to begin job at Frank’s Theatre in late November. However, then until it was brought to FRS attention that client had failed a urinalysis exam for pills. Client had been fighting drug abuse for quite some time now. FRS, along with probation officer of client and client’s mother expressed to client that she should think about rehab to help fight drug abuse. Client voluntarily entered rehab at Pyramid in Philadelphia in early November. FRS is extremely proud that client would take matters into own hands to make changes. Client wrote to FRS a week after enrolling in rehab. Client thanks FRS for all the help he had given, and also updated FRS on client’s process at rehab.

Upon client’s exit from rehab, client’s job at the movie theatre still awaits and the possability of college is not out of question yet.

We’re very appreciative of the tireless dedication and commitment shown by our York County Family Resource Specialist Nick Brady. His clients are fortunate to have him in their corner.