Family Resource Specialist Jessica Fritz received a referral for a STOPP® case on 3/12/10 at 1:45pm. As a new employee, Jessica asked Amy Carr to assist her. Jessica, Amy, and the Lehigh case worker met at the county building at 2:30pm and walked to the family’s apartment for the initial visit and introduction of the services.

*JWYC Client’s names are changed for privacy purposes.

While visiting with the mother and Jonathan (35 day old premie) our staff noticed that the mother was having a difficult time quieting the baby who was crying. Amy held Jonathan and tried to console him. While Amy was holding Jonathan she saw his eyes roll back into his head, stop breathing and go limp and lifeless.

The county caseworker also noticed the baby’s distress. Amy was able to get Jonathan alert and moving again within seconds, however his difficulties soon reoccurred. Amy urged the case worker to call 911 immediately and request emergency service. The case worker then held Jonathan and the same problem persisted.

The case worker then gave Jonathan to Jessica to hold. Jessica had several experiences of Jonathan rolling his eyes back in to his head, going limp and turning purple. Fortunately, Jessica had prior experience with premature babies who have breathing problems. She was able to keep Jonathan in a position that allowed him to breath and stay alert. The ambulance arrived in 15 minutes and took Jonathan to Lehigh Valley Hospital where was examined and admitted overnight.

Jessica and Amy met the family at the hospital and described the encounter to the doctors who were examining Jonathan. The doctor’s said the baby would surely have died if not for the prompt intervention.

Jessica stayed with baby Jonathan through x-rays and a MRI until 11:30pm when he was formally admitted. Jonathan’s mother left at 7pm while Jessica stayed. The mother was overwhelmed and somewhat confused about what had transpired.

We are very happy that the hospital was able to restore Jonathan’s breathing and, after 6 days, he has returned home subject to close monitoring of his Mom. We appreciate the continued participation and assistance from the county caseworker. We will continue to stay closely involved with the family.

Our deep appreciation to Amy, Jessica and LOCYS for their extraordinary measures