Family was referred to JWYC as they returned to their house. Several months prior they were displaced due to their house being deemed inhabitable. The family’s house was infested with insects, clutter and animal feces.

Upon referral the family had no furniture except a television. Philhaven Famly Based were involved for five weeks but were unable to provide services due to the house not having furniture. Within three days the family were assisted with obtaining a couch, chair, beds and dressers by obtaining vouchers from Salvation Army. JWYC provided cleaning supplies and taught family how to clean. After two months the family learned how to clean without prompting and keep the house appropriate.

The children had a history of truancy. JWYC started to arrive before school to ensure their attendance and prompt mother to wake up and assist children in getting ready for school. They children were no longer truant and attended school daily. Family was assisted in obtaining documents that were lost when they became displaced such as SS cards, BC, and ID’s. Mother was assisted in applying for MA and making sure all papers were completed and handed in. Mother developed follow through abilities.

Previously the mother did not implement any reinforcements causing the children to “run the house”. The mother was assisted in learning parenting skills and prompted in being consistent with consequences. The children developed a respect for mother. Mother was referred to MR case management and her son to MAX. Philhaven Family Based plan to continue working with family. Due to house becoming consistently clean and appropriate and no present school concerns, CYS plan on closing the family’s case.

Thank you to Sean Lazarus, York County JusticeWorks for doing whatever it takes to achieve a positive outcome!