At JusticeWorks, we believe that collaborative efforts decrease the burdens of involved youth by optimizing their care and increasing access to services, resources, supports, and overall wellbeing. Collaboration with other agencies and educational institutions allows for different perspectives, training backgrounds, knowledge, and expertise to promote more coordinated and effective services. Collaboration efforts are often easier said than done when diplomatic relationships and informed communication are required during intense and time-sensitive situations. Despite the challenges, JWYC Butler County employee, Jadon Carlson, led the way in multi-organization cooperation, resulting in a successful outcome for a disenfranchised youth.

Jadon Carlson began working with a homeless youth referred to our Independent Living program by Butler County Youth Services. Alex* was 17 at the time of the referral and attending public school. Jadon took the lead role in coordination efforts with the school, community agencies and resources, and CYS, navigating through the difficulties of securing housing options and support for Alex. Jadon also ensured that Alex had breakfast daily, groceries, and transportation back and forth from school each day. Jadon spent extended hours on late night and early morning phone calls and impromptu meetings with the youth’s team to secure Alex’s housing options and other transitional needs.

The following email was received from the Butler County CYS Administrator addressed to our JusticeWorks Regional Director, Ian Nutt and our CEO and President, Dan Heit:

Dan and Ian,

I hope that you are doing well. I just wanted to let you know that I had completely intended to nominate Steven Snow for an IL award for the SWAN Conference. With that said, the time window collapsed on me in the midst of other events going on. The reason that I wanted to reach out to both of you and say this is that we really appreciate him. Recently, he and one of his workers, Jadon Carlson, went through what I would deem to be an excruciating exchange with a local school district. He and his worker handled this wonderfully and worked hard for a productive outcome. I wish that I could do something to appropriately express how much we appreciate Steven, Jadon, and JusticeWorks in general. Until I figure out what that can be, I just wanted to let you know that I and we appreciate having great partners.


Charles L. Johns, M.S.
Administrator, Butler County Children and Youth Agency

Jadon remained professional throughout his involvement and exemplified ‘whatever it takes’ to ensure a successful outcome. Many thanks to Jadon for investing above and beyond for Alex’s future. Thank you to our Director, Steven Snow for supporting Jadon’s efforts on a job well done!

*Name has been changed to protect the privacy of the youth.