(A note of appreciation from a caseworker)

Hi Renee,

I know that FGDM conferences measure successes in lots of different ways, but I want to share that the Smith/Johnson conference was what I would call the perfect one.

Prior to FGDM, mom was hopeless, lonely, and scared.  The FGDM was a pivotal point in the life of this case and in the life of this young mother.  As a result of the FGDM Conference, mom’s daily functioning and optimism has blossomed.   Sandra told Jane Jones that she is thankful for family group because it showed her that her family is behind her and supportive.  Until that conference she did not think anybody cared.  She now has strong connections with multiple family members and two very young children were returned home within 6 months of their voluntary placement out of the home.”  This was a very short placement because of Family Group.

So thank you – especially to Amy Carr for doing such a good job.

We thank Amy Carr, our dedicated FGDM coordinator for continuing to raise the bar of excellance and grateful appreciation to the Wayne County Caseworker for taking the time to recognize the success of this family and the decision making process they went through.